
....................................................................................................Introduction page 1

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I have been an enthusiastic amateur photographer for many years, my first 35mm camera was a Halina 35X in the 60s.

I have also dabbled in Black and White developing and printing in my converted attic. Since having more time on my hands in the last few years I have rekindled my interest for photography, as well as Video Filming and Editing to DVD.

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Having progressed from 35mm to Digital SLR since 2001, it has been a new learning curve for me with pc aided software to master. Which I have found very interesting but mind boggling to get to grips with, (not to mention time consuming) it has challenged me to almost pulling my hair out at times.
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I have never been very good with new technology especially if it meant having to read up directions from reference books, to perform a function that's new to me. Being a Dyslectic I tend to rely on trial and error or being shown what to do and make my own notes, hopefully I will remember to understand and follow at a later date.
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Equipment Currently being used

XM2 Video Camcorder , JVC Everio

SLRs 30D, 1D Mk11, 5D Mk 11

Various Canon lenses.

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  Thank you for visiting my web site, I hope you enjoy my modest selection of photographs depicting where I go and what I see, it's what I enjoy doing  


Last Updated 10 Jun 2021 v2.6.20

© Webdell Photography 2015-21